Workshops & Retreats

Join us for our various workshops and retreats. Whether your are looking for Yoga, Meditation, Ayurvedic lifestyle we have something for you!

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Yoga testimonial

I started yoga 3 years ago and with each week that goes by I feel more & more agile. Claire is a wonderful teacher. She is so caring, thoughtful and also so good at sharing her knowledge with us. Yoga for me is very calming, helps me sleep much better. In fact the benefits are endless. Sometimes I might not feel like going but when I do go, I always, always feel so much better. I would highly recommend yoga for all ages. It’s just wonderful. Thank you Claire.

Annette student, Furbo, co Galway
Silva Method testimonial

When I was sick with cancer and on treatment I would use the Long Relax for total and healing relaxation, adding the Pain Control Technique to minimise the pain. The results were terrific. I was told I was a model patient at the hospital. I now use the techniques mostly on the road to have an uneventful journey and to be moving the traffic along: I set duration for my travel and using the techniques always find that I achieve my goal, arriving safely, relaxed and on time. I use the sleep technique whenever I'm restless to have good quality sleep. Also, I sometimes have to travel long distances to attend meetings so, when I know I'm going to have a very short night sleep I use the Long Relax to improve the quality of sleep in order to be alert whilst driving and during the meeting.

Ann Martin Nurse, Galway
Silva Method testimonial

Using the Silva Method is not just a beautifully r elaxing way to be, it is much more than that. It helps you to remain positive, focused and healthy whatever happens. You will not become invincible but it will certainly give you the feeling that you are better equipped to deal with life, help yourself and even others in any situation (illnesses, decisions, crisis, etc.) `If there is one thing I always recommend to my friends for personal development it is to book the next Silva course.

Zsofia Puszta Multinational IT Company, Dublin
Silva Method testimonial

During the course we were asked to focus on someone we really liked so I did so on my present wife whom I didn't really know that well but whom I felt drawn to. We then got to know each other better... and you now know the end of the story! It has turned out to be a most positive step in my life.

Sean co Galway
The Journey testimonial

Claire is a highly skilled, insightful and very kind Journey Practitioner. I derived huge benefit from working with her.

Tomás Hardiman Producer and Alexander Technique Teacher, Galway

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