
What is Joyful Journey about and what makes it different?

Contrarily to what was  taught/thought, up to recently, DNA is not a static code written in stone but is constantly changing and evolving. Our experiences and thoughts change the expression of our DNA. Our DNA mutates and shapes and changes us. Furthermore our thoughts, desires, intentions create our physical “reality” and the light in which we experience this “reality” This is the common thread linking Meditation/Mindfulness, Yoga, Perfect Health (Ayurveda), The Silva Method and Journey Therapy, allowing us to experience ourselves as one with this universal field of infinite possibilities and becoming architects of our reality.


Attending one of our trainings/seminars will provide you with an underlying structure, allowing you to experience different holistic practices in an un-fragmented way. Yes indeed! Fragmentation seems the key word describing the times we have been living through, this even being conveyed through the multitude of "different" holistic practices now offered on the market.

Therefore Joyful Journey's purpose lies in re-uniting what was always ONE by offering practices re-establishing the direct links between yoga, meditation/mindfulness/intuition, everyday life style (Ayurveda) in the light of Vedic wisdom, and the understanding of neuro-plasticity, allowing us to experience ourselves in our quantum dimension.

Thus, through the use of simple yet profound practices/techniques, incorporating mindfulness, anyone can, throughout everyday life, reconnect to one's deeper self, uniting again to the "whole of life", experiencing one's full potential, peace, contentment and gratitude for the gift of this life.

For whom?

  • One to one/private groups
  • Hospitals, schools, community Centers....
  • Organizations
  • Corporate

About Claire

Born of a French father and an Irish-English mother Claire was brought up in a bilingual/multicultural environment (both geographically and socially) and was educated at the Sèvres International Secondary School (Paris outskirts) within the premises of the CIEP ( Centre International d’Etudes Pedagogiques) which is recognised worlwide for its training skills, expertise, certifications and reflection in the field of international cooperation. She then furthered her education at the Sorbonne University in Paris, studying languages, literature and philosophy which was to open the doors to teaching within the French department of Education where she taught mentally & physically disabled, socially deprived groups as well as main stream groups at all levels for 20 years. She thereby benefited from, what at the time, was considered an unconventional education (already using Mindfulness in the 1980-90). She also experienced teaching-training within a broad spectrum audience, which helped expand her awareness around cultural diversity and different thought patterns reflecting these diversities, but also resulting in her following her “journey” in this life at a deep intuitive level. 

Over the past 30 years she has combined studying, motherhood and employment. Although initially the latter was mainly experienced in the teaching/training and interpreting/translation field (community work – court/medical/ Spirasi/ garda / holistic field…), she experienced the challenging corporate world whilst working for AON, until, upon encountering serious physical health problems, she came across the Silva method and a heart based Raja  form of meditation practice, SahajMarg (Heartfulness) , meaning Natural Path,  which were both to confirm her “journey” and alter the course of her life in a seemingly radical way: experiencing her past and the learning she derived from it  from a holistic perspective. This enabled her to link/integrate the present conventional world into a broader holistic context.

She has now been training  Silva graduates from all backgrounds for the last 16 years and is an accredited Journey practitioner as well as a qualified yoga teacher (Green Lotus 200hrs), children yoga teacher (Yoga Therapy Ireland, 80hrs) and Laughter Yoga trainer. She is a certified  Chopra Wellness Center Vedic Educator (550hr):  Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga teacher ,  Perfect Health (Ayurveda) Educator  & Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor  (Yoga Alliance  compliant ), with having attended the necessary prerequisite of Seduction of Spirit meditation retreat (6&1/2 days), Journey into Healing retreat 3&1/2 days and Perfect Health Program.

She was also involved as main executive (directrice) in the  charity AFG, Alliance Française Galway Ltd organization, which she co-founded in September 2009 and managed until 2014.

Her experience throughout her personal journey therefore supports her purpose in promoting the integration of personal life/development, business and the intuitive and spiritual journey of self-awareness leading to  the experiencing of one's full potential in this physical life.