Cleansing, uplifting yoga workshop

MAY 6th: full day/half day Grounding, Uplifting Yoga Workshop
Come and join us for a day/half day @ this clearing, grounding and uplifting yoga workshop on May 6th, in Galway, Furbo.
This yoga workshop will combine Nidra yoga, Energy/Chakra clearing, Pranayama, Mindful Hatha as well as Restorative, nurturing yoga and will see you going home feeling deeply relaxed and energized with a crystal clear mind. Aromatherapy will support the ongoing journeying process.
- Half day: €38 → 10am-2pm The half day includes an early lunch break @ 11.45am
- Full day: €68 → 10am-4.45pm
The cost includes a fresh juice. Bring your own lunch ...we might be lucky and be able to have a picnic by the ocean!
Bookings: a €20 deposit is required
- scroll down to the right to the Paypal button
- send a cheque to: Claire Lombard Ballynahown, Furbo, co Galway
- Final payment can be made by cash or by credit card